We meet on a Zoom platform the 4th Saturday of the month at 12 noon. Meet & greet starts at 11:30am. Due to the Holidays there is no Zoom meeting in November. December we meet the second Saturday in December. We will post if a meeting is cancelled. We also have a Queen City Clayers Facebook page. Guild members have access to the Facebook guild group.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Great PC Websites

One of my best learning tools, aside from our monthly meetings, of course - is reading blogs from other polymer clay artists. Just this week-end I discovered a really cool blog called Polymer Clay which is a sub section of the CraftGossip Blog Network. Not only do they cover polymer clay arts but several others such as knitting, jewelry, glass art, etc. You can subscribe to the newsletter and it'll come right to your email each time it is updated. Great place to check out - they offer several categories such as:

Friday, November 14, 2008

Guild Meeting November 22nd

Hello everyone,
Our next meeting we are working on Brocade Surface Effects on Polymer Clay. This wonderful technique is the same as shown on the cover of Donna Kato's book " The Art of Polymer Clay / Creative Surface Effects".
Also we will be haing a wonderful guest joining us. A talented & gifted artist, the very same one featured in Polymer Cafe, Sharon Solly!
If your interested in joining us, please join our Yahoo group: polymerclaycharlottenc-subscribe@yahoo.com and chat with the Moderator.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Welcome to the Queen City Clayers Blog

Hi Y'all. This is my first post to a blog ever! I would like to announce the formation of a polymer clay guild in Charlotte, NC. We are the Queen City Clayers. We get together about once a month
to have fun with polymer clay. We meet at the coolest bead shop and studio - Expressive Impressions. Check out their web site http://www.expressive-impressions.com/. Their calender will have our meeting dates and demo topic. Beginners are welcome but our demonstrations may be intermediate to advanced. Dues will start in January but you don't have to pay until after the first 2 meetings you attend.

Our first meeting was on August 23rd.
Officers were elected:
President: Maggie Westall
Vice President: Cheryl Smith
Secretary: Maggie
Librarian: Brenda Branson
Treasurer: Julie Eakes
The bylaws, membership guidelines and goals were agreed upon.
After the business meeting Brenda demonstrated how to use silk screens for a surface design. I demonstrated 2 types of cuff bracelets based on the Gwen Gibson video. It was fun but challenging. We used pvc pipe my husband cut in 1/2 lengthwise to make the rounded cuff bracelet. I learned at least 2 things. Not all pvc pipe is smooth on the inside and when you cut it in a band saw you have an oval bead roller not a round one. Ha ha.

The next meeting was on September 6th.
After a short business meeting stuff Cheryl Smith demonstrated a round box based on a Dan Cormier technique from the book “Polymer Clay exploring new techniques and materials“.
Cheryl did such a great job. She even provided us with the cardboard tubes for forms!
Cheryl also took some pictures of our stuff from the cuff bracelet and future meeting demos.
Hope to see them soon.

Our Next meeting will be on October 18th, 1:00 at Expressive Impression. Julie will be demonstrating her funky cane she learned from Sarah Schiver. It's going to be lots of fun. A tip from Julie is to check out COLOURlovers.com for unexpected color combination suggestions.
The ones she used for her cane are amazing together.
Like I said this blog stuff is new (and scary)to me. Hope I did ok.