We meet on a Zoom platform the 4th Saturday of the month at 12 noon. Meet & greet starts at 11:30am. Due to the Holidays there is no Zoom meeting in November. December we meet the second Saturday in December. We will post if a meeting is cancelled. We also have a Queen City Clayers Facebook page. Guild members have access to the Facebook guild group.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Minutes for Aug 23, 2014

Minutes for Aug 23, 2014 Meet-Up

Meeting called to order. Update on money in the treasury .  The treasury was officially handed over to Jenny to keep up with. 

Reminders that the issue of individuals not making the meet-up  could at some point become an issue.  It is important that you contact either Cheryl or Maggie (or both) and let them know in advance if you are planning to be at the meeting each month.  No one wants to end up being the only attendee for the day.  (Note that Maggie's email is only valid with yahoo now.)

Discussion of the demo's coming up in the near months.  Nancy will demo the Japanese Girl for the September meeting.  October meeting is up in the air at the moment as many will be attending the Maggie Maggio class that weekend in Ashville.  More to come concerning the meet-up or not, in October.  There is no meet up planned for November as it is the beginning of holiday issues and December may be a different date than usual with a party and silent auction included. 

A great demo from Beth Weld on Blend & Shift Technique was given.  This is a mosaic of sorts. Everyone found their own colors and made their own blends and pieces to craft.  Some awesome color combinations happened and we expect jewels to show off soon.  Thanks Beth.

Attendees:  Cheryl, Maggie, Jenny, Patti, Nancy, Laurie, Beth, and Sharon Solly visited us.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

August 23rd Meeting

Hi Everyone, We will be exploring an old technique that you may not have thought about in a while – if ever. We will take Cindy Lietz’s Blend and Shift technique for creating complex mosaic pieces and expanding on it. Come ready to play – It is all trial and error, and everything looks great in the end. This technique really comes alive with metallic or pearl clay. You will need at least one very narrow (2-3 in width max) skinner blend of 3 or more colors. The other main requirement is an assortment of miniature cutters – the smaller the better. Well, let’s not get too carried away there. Cutters smaller than ½ of an inch in different shapes are best. I will bring mine, and we can share. If you want to expand on the technique, bring 2 or more other colors of clay that you like or a slice or two of mokume gane that you aren’t quite happy with – we will see how we can change it. The true beauty of these pieces develops after baking, sanding and buffing. This is definitely where Magic Glos or resin comes in handy. I’ll have examples of the different finishes to show you. Other than a skinner blend, cutters if you have them, and the extra clay, all you need is the standard kit and some imagination. See you on Saturday!!! Beth Weld