We meet on a Zoom platform the 4th Saturday of the month at 12 noon. Meet & greet starts at 11:30am. Due to the Holidays there is no Zoom meeting in November. December we meet the second Saturday in December. We will post if a meeting is cancelled. We also have a Queen City Clayers Facebook page. Guild members have access to the Facebook guild group.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

October 2019 Meet Up

Business was simple; two instructors are available for classes for 2019.  One is Donna Kato and her class would involve carving to a degree on beads.  The second one is Debbie Jackson and it was decided that her offerings were meager since most of us are not beginners and we would desire a more intricate lessons to choose from.  Laurie is contacting Debbie to see if there are other options for her classes.  A quick vote showed there was a lot of interest in the Donna Kato class however her schedule is limited and that leaves us up in the air for both instructors that are available.  More to come when Laurie has it and we’ll probably take a vote via email since we do not meet again until Dec.  There is interest in both instructors and we need to narrow down dates and class choice.

Also make note that if your planning your calendars ahead, as many of us do, for the upcoming year, there are two changes in meeting dates.  April’s meeting will be on April 18th since there is a retreat scheduled for the usual date we meet up and also September will be on the 19th rather than the usual date.  Make note of this as we don’t want anyone not to be aware of the date changes.  The rest of the year is scheduled the 4th weekend of each month as before.

Class was given by Julie Eakes on making your pieces look ceramic like with alcohol inks, chalks, various methods to use.  Instruction was given on many of these and there are so many options!  Thank you Julie for showing us this technique.  I’m looking forward to seeing all these new pieces we are creating. 

Attendees:  Nancy, Brian, Christine, Myra, Bridget, Michelle, Laurie, Cheryl, Kathy, Julie and Pattie.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Aug 2019

Business:  Discussion on workshop in 2021.  Place, Time of Year, Feb, Mar, Apr and Pattie and Laurie are in charge of this.  Debbie Jackson’s name came up and Jeff Deaver.  JEFF DEAVER!!!  OMG!  Currently looking for volunteers for 2020 years demo’s.  Contact Laurie.  Welcome to our most recent member of the Guild; Myrna.

Sept is a Bridget Demo on extruder

Oct is July or Michelle – not certain which yet

Nov is Thanksgiving so no meet up.  Enjoy your Turkey!

Dec 14th is the Christmas Party

Pattie gave a wonderful demo on making an unusual veneer and putting it on a bowl.  Wonderful demo and everyone was excited to start their own bowl.  I saw that Myrna had gotten one completed.  Thanks Pattie for showing us all the important steps to this fantastic veneer and bowl.

Attendees:  Kathy, Sally, Myrna, Ivone, Linda, Laurie, Nancy, and Brian

Monday, August 5, 2019

July 2019

Business:  Pattie will be doing the demo for August.  Julie swapped out to demo in October since she is away in August. 

Robin gave a fantastic demo on how to make an extraordinary flower that can be used as a broach or necklace.  Excellent class, thank you Robin.

Attendees:  Linda, Laurie, Nancy, Brian, Pattie, Bridget, Diane, Robin, Kathy, Cheryl

Saturday, May 25, 2019

May 25, 2019

Meeting held at Earth Fare.  Business:
It's that time of year again.  June is the month to re-up your dues for the year.  $20.00 is the amt agreed on during the meeting.  Next month we are hoping for a Treasurers Report from Cheryl. 

June's meeting will be an egg white batik class with Kathleen instructing us.  Supply list will be coming before the meeting.  July will be a demo from Robin (from the Blue Ridge Guild) on flower earrings.

Everyone should be thinking about whom they would like to come Demo for us in the year 2020.  A suggestion of Lindley Hunani was brought up.

Today's meeting was presented by Sally.  She instructed us all regarding the silk screen process.  She also brought into the mix stencils as well.  Each member was provided a silk screen that Tonja Lederman had sent in.  Tonja also provided a code to receive a 15% off should you decide that you would like more of her silk screens.  An excellent demo.  Hopefully you did not miss it.

Attendees:  Sally, Linda, Bridget, Christine, Laurie, Nancy, Marsha, Michelle, Kathleen, and Laura.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Jan 26th

Meet up at Earth Fare location with a nice number of individuals to attend.  Business:  February meeting will be the Maureen Carlson class for two days.  This class must be paid in advance to Cheryl before attendance.  There are still seats available should you opt to go.  The class will be held at our previous location at the Blythe Construction office.  Regular meeting will not be happening.  There is expected to be a dinner together at a restaurant the Friday before the class.  The 22nd dinner will be open to all members even if you are not taking the class with Maureen.  This will give you the opportunity to meet Maureen and share a meal with everyone since we are not having the usual meeting in Feb.  Laurie is looking into the location for our dinner/meet up for that Friday night. Everyone is responsible to pay for their own meals.  Of course Maureen's meal will be taken care of by the guild.  Laurie will let us know where the location will be in a future notification. There are still a couple members who have not paid dues for this year.  The year goes from May 2018 to May 2019.

Maggie has been having issues with illness and could use any/all communications from all of us.  She is expected to be back home shortly.  Christine also has been having some issues with illness and may or may not be back home as of yet.  Keep them in mind and let them know you are thinking of them if you have the chance.

March meeting will host Linda giving a wire wrap demo.  The meeting will take place at Earth Fare.

Heads Up here; the meeting in April is on a different date than we normally meet.  It will be at the Earth Fare location and will be held on April 20th since the Blue Ridge Retreat is being held on the 25th-28th.

Laurie gave an awesome demo of doodle flowers.  She told us every step she takes to create her goodies.  She also had a couple bowls to view using these methods.  Excellent demo and she also gave us clues where to find tools she used and of course we all were in awe of the footie material she had used for her texture.  Excellent information and a wonderful and very informative class.  Great chance for everyone to express themselves using easy methods to create fantastic pieces.  Thanks Laurie for taking the time to provide so many displays and choices.

Attendees:  Linda, Cheryl, Laurie, Sally, Bridget, Nancy, Pattie, and newest member Laura.

Monday, January 21, 2019

January 26, 2019 noon - 4pm
This is my first post as Queen City Clayers new co-president as of January 2019. Sally will share the office with me. Our first meeting of the year will be at a new location.
Our new meeting place is in the community room of Earth Fare in Charlotte, 12235 N. Community House Road. This location is in the Ballantyne area of Charlotte just off Johnston Rd. If you are traveling on I-485 you will take Exit 61(A) Johnston Road towards Charlotte. Then turn right onto N. Community Rd. at the first traffic light. If you would like to enjoy lunch and social time before our meeting (12:00-4:00), please come around 11:30 and choose from a huge array of food choices. We can eat in their dining area and then members and invited guests can go into the community room for our guild demo and meeting.
At this January 26th meeting, Laurie will demo "Doodle Flowers in Polymer Clay". She asked that we bring:
Regular Clay kit
4-5 conditioned clay colors
Cutters of all sizes from small to large
pan pastels
Paint Pens (e.g. Posco and Sharpie)
A happy, playful attitude.
I look forward to seeing you.