We meet on a Zoom platform the 4th Saturday of the month at 12 noon. Meet & greet starts at 11:30am. Due to the Holidays there is no Zoom meeting in November. December we meet the second Saturday in December. We will post if a meeting is cancelled. We also have a Queen City Clayers Facebook page. Guild members have access to the Facebook guild group.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

February 2020

Business:  No meeting in May.  Mark your calendars…no meeting in May.  Voting took place for the positions of Vice President, Demo Coordinator, Treasurer and Secretary.  Pattie is the new VP, Laurie is the Demo Coordinator, Cheryl is the Treasurer and Nancy is the Secretary. 

Donna Kato’s class has been organized and if you are wanting to take this class you should immediately get with Cheryl or Laurie and get your registration turned in and half of your tuition paid now and the other half by May 1.  As of the first week of Feb the class will be offered to Blue Ridge and realize that the seating is limited.  Total of 20 students for this class.  It is already about half full so hop on it quickly if you want this class.

There is discussion regarding a course to be offered next year and Bonnie Bischoff has consented to be available next year for us. 

We are still at the moment, up in the air, regarding a place to hold our meetings.  Next month we will be meeting at the same place we met in Feb.  Each month will be updated as to where our meeting will be held at present.  We are hoping to find a meeting place that is a minimal cost; preferably free, as our budget is not high.  If you know of somewhere that is available please contact Sally or Laurie immediately with details.

Demo:  Today Pattie was very kind and led us through a technique that is used by Carol Blackburn to make up extraordinary canes with lots of colors and designs.  Thank you so much Pattie for taking the time to show us all this technique.  I expect we will be sporting some new jewelry with this technique very soon!

Attendees:  Nancy, Brian, Linda, Cheryl, Sally, Laurie, Christine, Kathy, Cindy, and Pattie