We meet on a Zoom platform the 4th Saturday of the month at 12 noon. Meet & greet starts at 11:30am. Due to the Holidays there is no Zoom meeting in November. December we meet the second Saturday in December. We will post if a meeting is cancelled. We also have a Queen City Clayers Facebook page. Guild members have access to the Facebook guild group.

Sunday, March 27, 2022


Meet Up:  3/24/22


Business:  Cheryl says she is a little behind in getting the dues that have been paid, sent to the secretary so the member listing can be updated, but she has had some family issues and this will soon get done.  Another mention of dues that are not yet paid and a quest to receive them with a check made out to Queen City Clayers & Cheryl Smith as the recipients so Cheryl is able to get the checks cashed. Mentions of individuals not getting the email with the zoom link and Michelle is going to look into this and figure out why some got the link and others the links did not work.


March demo was done by Michelle Efird and she showed us exactly how she covers the switch plates.  She  used a piece that was done in the technique of Barb Fajardo’s Controlling the Chaos.  It was a lovely piece and I think we all wanted to do one just like it!  The colors were fabulous.  Thank you  Michelle for such a great demo.  She had others to show as well but I personally was totally taken by this controlled chaos piece.


Next month’s demo will be done by Janet Johnson on a Brocade technique.  Looking forward to this one too.


Attendees:  Michelle, Kathryn, Laurie, Cheryl, Bridget, Pat G., Marcia, Pattie S., Teri Walters, Nancy, Janet J., Barbara Verni-Lau. 

Thursday, March 3, 2022


February 26th Meet Up


Business:  Dues for the year are now due and please mail your dues to Cheryl. 


Sally Wright gave a demo on mixed media gelli plates art.  It was wonderful to watch and learn about this (new to me) technique and she was extremely informative on her creation and also on her do’s and don’t do this.  That’s important so we can all be successful.  Thanks Sally for this wonderful demo.  The months of June and August still need individuals to demo and please contact Pattie if you can claim these month.


Attendees:  Barbara V, Pat G, Sally, Mindy, Kathy H, Pattie, Laurie, Julie, Barbara F, Michelle and Nancy



Saturday, January 22, 2022


Queen City Clayers

Jan Meeting


Business:  There were opening for new officers and after a discussion and some votes these are the new officers:

President:  Cheryl S

Vice President:  Kathy M

Demo Coordinator:  Pattie S

Secretary:  Nancy W

IT Tech:  Michelle E

 These positions hopefully should hold for a 2 year period.  If changes happen; then we will figure it out.

 Dues for the year of 2022 are due now.  $25.00

Please mail your checks to Cheryl Smith, and make your checks out to Cheryl as well, with a note saying that the dues are for Queen City 2022.  You will receive a receipt from Cheryl.

 Keep Maggie in your prayers, she is still weak, not walking and very tiny.  Keep Mindy’s spouse in your prayers as he has issues with his eye and it is serious.



A wonderful demo from Bridget on different ikat canes.  We all got the power point in our emails with the zoom link.  Wonderful thoughts, ideas and theories on this technique.  Get your hands busy girls.  Thank you Bridget for this wonderful demo.  There are three months that still need someone to demo and if you are interested please contact Pattie.



Bridget, Michelle, Nancy, Marsha, Kathy H, Cheryl, Christine, Pattie S, Janet J, Teri, Julie, Bar V, Sally, Pat G.