We meet on a Zoom platform the 4th Saturday of the month at 12 noon. Meet & greet starts at 11:30am. Due to the Holidays there is no Zoom meeting in November. December we meet the second Saturday in December. We will post if a meeting is cancelled. We also have a Queen City Clayers Facebook page. Guild members have access to the Facebook guild group.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Exciting news:
We are meeting on the 28th at Expressive Impressions and we will have guests from the BRPCG. Bridget Downey and Sharon Solly are coming. Sharon is going to do the demo on "Hidden Magic" , a french version of Moku magane (sp?). Sharon has been published in Polymer Cafe and seen on Polymer Clay Daily. She is a wonderful talented teacher. Bridget is a talented clayer and lots of fun. Hope you get to come meet them.

Supply list to follow.

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