We meet on a Zoom platform the 4th Saturday of the month at 12 noon. Meet & greet starts at 11:30am. Due to the Holidays there is no Zoom meeting in November. December we meet the second Saturday in December. We will post if a meeting is cancelled. We also have a Queen City Clayers Facebook page. Guild members have access to the Facebook guild group.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

May meeting report, June meeting announcement

Hi everyone,

Sorry it's taken me so long to get this meeting report out. The Queen City Clayers met on May 30th at Expressive Impressions. We had 5 people there. Me (Maggie), Cheryl, Laruie and 2 new faces (Kathy and Larua). Both are tallented clayers. Kathy found us from our listing in PolymerCafe. Laura has taken classes from Irene Dean where she met Bridgette from the BRPCG who told her about us. We discussed the possiblility of getting QCC business cards, and developing a logo. We did show and tell then since it was a clay play day went to doing own things. I made a torso for necklace display. Cheryl worked on a faux lampwork bead. Kathy mixed a ton of colors. Larua made canes from a skinner blend canes and a cute little head which she suggested should go on the rather large torso I was working on. Laurie worked on framing little glass tile covered pictures with polymer clay. We all had such a good time the meeting time went before we realized it. Thanks to Expressive Impressions for letting us meet there.

Our next meeting will be June 20th, 1:00 at Expressive Impressions. We will be trying Christi Friesen inspired turtles. Bring what ever clay colors you want for turtles. I suggest at least 2 or 3 and beads for the eyes if you like.
Hope to see you all there.

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