We meet on a Zoom platform the 4th Saturday of the month at 12 noon. Meet & greet starts at 11:30am. Due to the Holidays there is no Zoom meeting in November. December we meet the second Saturday in December. We will post if a meeting is cancelled. We also have a Queen City Clayers Facebook page. Guild members have access to the Facebook guild group.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Upated Demo List for Sat Dec 8th

Ok I knew I'd forget a few things which might come in handy-

- Small paint brush
- Something to texture surface - I like the fish filter kind but you could use coarse sand paper or the cheap Velcro type curlers
- Some alcohol
- Deli wrap
- Larger cutters to cut out your final bead shape
- Sand paper 
- Paper towels
- Oh yes and it will work on darker clays too if you want to try that.
Original list:
- usual clay stuff - pasta machine, work surface, etc
- light colored clay (any kind will do)
- alcohol inks or markers or colored pencils
- latex gloves so you don't get colored fingers
- paint or guilders paste to antique or highlight
- small cutters or tips for adding designs (I use cake frosting tips and brass rods)
- light bulb or some kind of baking surface to curve your pieces (optional)
Don't worry I am sure we all will have items to share.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Saturday Dec 8th Meeting

Julie Eakes Art Work of "Faux"jardo beads

So for our December meeting we are going to try to get the look of Barb Fajardo beads.  We will call them Barb"faux"jardo beads.  Here is the supply list.

- usual clay stuff  - pasta machine, work surface, etc
- light colored clay (any kind will do)
- alcohol inks or markers or colored pencils
- latex gloves so you don't get colored fingers
- paint or guilders paste to antique or highlight
- small cutters or tips for adding designs (I use cake frosting tips and brass rods)
- light bulb or some kind of baking surface to curve your pieces (optional)

That's all I can think of right now.  See you on Sat.

Friday, November 23, 2012

November meeting Demo LIst

For tomorrow's Mica Shift demonstration, please bring the following:
Polymer Clay kit and tools -

Pasta Machine

Polymer Clay - gold or another mica clay

Transparent Clay

Texture Sheets, rubber stamps or impressing tools

Water spray bottle (release agent)

Tissue blade

Acrylic Roller or brayer

Needle tool

1" square cookie cutter for beads and measuring for blending

Shamballa bracelet - demonstration

Bring 5-9 beads for a braided bracelet and coordinating small beads for the closure ends

Super Glue

Tape to anchor your cord or a clip board

small and medium beading cord or I will have extra beading cord
Sorry for getting this to you so late.

Laurie Prevette

P.S. F you wanted some different colored Mica shift clay. Go to The Art of Polymer Clay Creative Surface Effects: Techniques and Projects by Donna Kato, She has recipes to make Green-Gold Pearl, Teal Green Pearl Blue-violet Pearl etc. Different spin on plain Gold Metallic clay. Can't wait to see everyone!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

November Meeting

Left Mica Shift Oval shows a Shell shape and theOval on the right is a checkerboard cane. Impressive!

Happy Thanksgiving all!
 Ready for some Claying fun?  November's meeting is upon us once again. This month's Demo is coming from Laurie Prevette. Mica Shift also know as Chatoyant effect, So bring your Metallic clay, PC kit (will need a sharp blade, can sharpen at the meeting) and some deep etched rubber stamps if you have them. If not, I'll have some for all to use. 
Here is a link: 

that gives oodles and oodles of pics. Or you can google Mica shift and Voila!  This is one of my favorite PC techniques. 
Can't wait to see everyone! May you all have a safe and great time enjoying Friends and Family on your Turkey Day!

Watercolor Stamped College on PC

Hi all you clayers out there. I have some new pics for you from the October Meeting. Maggie Demo'd an awsome Alcohol ink Watercolor effect on PC. After the PC dried we used rubber stamps and stamped words and designs onto with a fantastic effect. Check these out!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

August Meeting

Hi Everyone,
  Just a reminder this Saturday is our monthly meeting at 12 noon. I'm going to Demo a Kaleidoscope cane so bring your left over canes. Examples striped, spiral, jelly roll, bull's eye, leaf, flower, any type or color of cane. So we can incorporate them into a intricate designs, which can be made into jewelry or to cover a bowl or PC tool. The picture to the left is my first Kaleidoscope cane ever. Though I'd share.
If you'd like to see more pictures, visit Pinterest site:

Please bring your Basic PC kit, if you do not have any left over canes, recommend making and bringing a mono-chromatic or a complimenting colored striped cane, skinner blend cane, bull's eye, and checkerboard cane or leaf cane.  
 Look forward to seeing you all soon.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hey everyone,
 Its that time again.  July meeting is this Saturday at 12 noon. We will be continuing to shape our animal and finish our canes.
 FYI : there some great free basic Polymer Clay Tutorial and reasonably priced PC Classes on Craft Edu http://www.craftartedu.com/ and Polypedia http://www.polypediaonline.com/
Just wanted to remind everyone we have some great PC artist in our guild and worldwide, and if your like me between work, family obligation and well Life getting in the way of claying, it is sometimes hard to attend some of their classes, and these are wonderful affordable alternative.  And a great way get creative minds working again.
Ok, looking forward to seeing everyone!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Found some more great PC sculpted artwork by Adam Thomas Rees. Go to:
to watch him assembly a Polar bear Sculptures with polymer clay canes.
So check it out!

June Meeting is upon us, and we will get started with a Demo from Julie Eakes on how to make a name cane to personalize our artwork. Then for the next few months the guild will be working on our own version of artwork by Jon Anderson.
 Please go to his website to view his great artwork, look at the depth of the design of each one of his canes. 

to view him making one of his canes please view:
Fimocreations The Polymer Clay Magic of Jon Anderson - YouTube

  Please decide on what type of object you are going design w/ various canes. Please bring Aluminum foil so you can start making the sculpture. We will also discuss caning and the thought process of designing a cane to match the theme of your sculpture. If you have already done this, then you will basically be working on making your canes to go on your sculpture.
If you are not familiar with making polymer clay canes, there are several different basic and advanced cane techniques on youtube that you might like to view prior to the meeting on Saturday. Bring any and all caning questions with you so we can discuss at the meeting.
Please bring your basic PC kit (description/details available on past Meeting notes)
Aluminum foil if working on making your sculpture
Polymer Clay (PC) of assorted colors
Look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting on Saturday.

Monday, June 18, 2012

June 2012 QCC Meeting

Hi Y'all,
This Saturday coming up is the 4th one and already time for our QCC meeting.  We have some great meeting plans for the next few meetings.  We are going to start working on canes including a name cane (right Cheryl?)  to go on our Jon Anderson inspired animals.  So this month we will start with planning our animal and making canes.  July we will probably make more canes and maybe our base animal scuplture.  Hopefully by August we can finish our pieces.  Hope to see you all there.
12:00 at the usual place.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

April 2012 QCC Meeting

Hi Y'all,

It's time for the April meeting already. This coming Saturday (the 28th) 12 - 4, the usual place. Unless someone else volunteered to do a demo and I just can't remember I can/will demo the sculptural dogwood flower like the necklace I brought for show and tell last time. LMK if that's ok with you all. The suplies are simple: Clay kit (pasta machine, blades, work surface, acrylic rod, hand cleaner wipes...) Polymer clay in white, green, yellow, black, and burnt umber acrylic paint (or what you prefer for antiquing)

                                                           Hope to see you all there.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

March Meeting 3-24-12

More Guild Art WoRk done w/ Advanced Sutton Slice at this March Meeting
Hello Clayers!
Are you ready for another Saturday of Sutton Slice? We are moving to the more advanced method of adding more than one color, or using a skinner blend in a background or as the color of the design. Also if you'd like to make a completed project from the first Sutton Slice bring the item you wanted to cover w/ the Sutton Slice and we can discuss and work on that as well. Look forward to seeing everyone.
Bring uncompleted Sutton Slice project and items, unmounted deep etched design stamp, please PC (polymer clay) colors that match the design for you next Sutton Slice image and liquid PC, if you don't have I'll bring so don't worry, that is to help mount your design to you item.
Basic Clay Kit: pasta machine and any attachments such a clamp to secure it to the table, acrylic roller, blade, work surface (large tile or glass surface), polymer clay.
(then you bring anything else you like to use, like maybe your handiwipes, deli paper or plastic wrap, your PC texture tools, textured sheets, favorite size circle or square cutter, small spritz water bottle, etc)

I think that about covers it. If you have finished your first basic Sutton Slice project please bring so we can take pics to place onto this guild page to go w/ Feb Guild meeting and then can post what we complete on Saturday for March. Thank you!

supply list

This is the supply list from Cheryl for last time. "You will need your basic polymer clay kit (work surface, clay blades, pasta machine, acrylic rod, wet ones for or somthing for cleaning hands and surfaces), make sure you have a new or sharpened blade, unmounted rubber stamps detailed designs, and colored, black and white, one of these brands will do, Premo, soft Fimo, or Kato clay. "

March meeting

Wow!time flies. Our next meeting is scheduled for this Saturday, 12:00 the usual place. We will be doing Sutton slice part 2. So bring your stuff from last time so we can finish up our projects. If you didn't get to come last time don't worry. I'm sure there will be a recap of the method. I'll try to find the list of supplies and re post it asap.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Saturday Meeting 2-25-12

Wow, this months meeting has snuck up on me. I sent out an e-mail on what was needed for tomorrows Demo technique but wanted to make sure it was posted here as well.
We are working on the Sutton Slice technique. You will need your basic polymer clay kit, make sure you have a new or sharpened blade, unmounted rubber stamps detailed designs, and colored, black and white, one of these brands will do, Premo, soft Fimo, or Kato clay. Haven't tried the new Prado clay w/ this technique so I'm not sure how well it will work. Maybe someone will try it....

(types of unmounted stamps can be viewed on Lisa Pavelka website: https://www.lisapavelka.com/Texture-Stamps.asp

Ok, that's about all I can think of, cya tomorrow!

Monday, January 23, 2012

meeting this saturday

Hi Y'all,

January is flying by and it's time for our 1st meeting of the year. This Saturday and 12:00, the usual place. We will be making tile bracelets with a twist. I will be showing heart tiles (just in time for Valentines).

Bring your clay kit (pasta machine, work surface, hand cleaning stuff, acrylic rod...)
Clay - any two contrasting colors. I will be using red and white
stamps and texture sheets.
ink or paint for the stamps.
Small heart shaped (or any shape you like) clay cutters. Somewhere around 1 - 1-1/2" small knitting needles or skewers
liquid polymer clay
beads with holes large enough for cording

Sunday, January 8, 2012

January meeting

Hi Y'all,
The January 28th meeting demo will be on tile bracelets. We have done them in the past but always have fun with them. I will post a supply list soon. If anyone has somthing they want to see or do as a demo in the future please feel free to let us know.
Hope to see you all soon,