We meet on a Zoom platform the 4th Saturday of the month at 12 noon. Meet & greet starts at 11:30am. Due to the Holidays there is no Zoom meeting in November. December we meet the second Saturday in December. We will post if a meeting is cancelled. We also have a Queen City Clayers Facebook page. Guild members have access to the Facebook guild group.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

July Meet Up

Business:  Dues are due.  Many paid the year's dues to Jennie.  Dues are again $15 for the year.  Challenge was reviewed.  There is a challenge to use pics or colors related to some pics chosen earlier or to just challenge yourself to do something that you don't normally do with a piece.  It was decided to extend the deadline to the December meet up where everyone can show off what they made.  Since the Dec meeting is usually a party atmosphere, that works.  Dec meeting will be held the 2nd Sat of the month of Dec since Blue Ridge normally does not have a meeting in Dec.  Blue Ridge is invited to come join us.  Bring treats and possibly supplies in case we work on the ornaments that sometimes happen! 

Next month, August and also September will be a fairy session.  Maggie has graciously taken on the task to spend time with all and direct us to a tiny fairy.  We are expecting that it will take a two meeting session to get your fairy completed, dressed and winged.  Less time if your familiar with the face sculpting perhaps, and molds will be available for the face should you not want to even go there.  Some of us are gluttons for learning and getting it done free hand, so that takes a bit longer!  Supply list will come later.  Maggie is already working on getting these lessons together.  Thanks Maggie for your wanting to share with us all.

Lesson/Demo:  Transfers by Pattie. We were all supplied transfers to work with and we had an excellent demo on how to use these transfers and we all set off running.  Beautiful things happened!  Hopefully next meeting everyone will bring their pieces finished for us to ohhhh and awwwww over!
Thank you for Pattie for giving us an excellent lesson and supplying us all with several transfers so we could practice, practice, practice. 

Attendee:  Cheryl, Maggie, Lynne, Laurie, Nancy, Jennie, Christine, Pattie, Marsha and a newbee Virginia. 

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