We meet on a Zoom platform the 4th Saturday of the month at 12 noon. Meet & greet starts at 11:30am. Due to the Holidays there is no Zoom meeting in November. December we meet the second Saturday in December. We will post if a meeting is cancelled. We also have a Queen City Clayers Facebook page. Guild members have access to the Facebook guild group.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

 Julie will be demo-ing for Into the Forest.  The is a global collaboration that myself, Laura Tabakman and Emily Squires Levine are working on which will be displayed in Pittsburgh in Nov, 2017.   I will show some leaf cane ideas, pods and maybe some other organic shapes.  The tools needed will be your standard clay kit - pasta machine, surface, blades, rollers etc.  you will need clay.  Be creative or stick with nature what ever you want.  Translucent works well with leaves.  You can bring inks to tint or just use pieces of clay.  A large ball stylus can come in handy for the pods.  Also bring old canes or scrap and I will show a modified Stroppel cane you can use.  I will try to give as much as I can but still leave time to finish.

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