We meet on a Zoom platform the 4th Saturday of the month at 12 noon. Meet & greet starts at 11:30am. Due to the Holidays there is no Zoom meeting in November. December we meet the second Saturday in December. We will post if a meeting is cancelled. We also have a Queen City Clayers Facebook page. Guild members have access to the Facebook guild group.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

December Meet-up 2016

Party!  There was a great turn out for the party and great fun forming ornaments.  Julie Eakes provided glass ornaments and cut pieces from some of her canes to use.  Many had made ornaments previous to the meet up and were showing off their goods.  There was tremendous skill and art shown.  Unfortunately I have managed to lose the pics and cannot share!  Breaks my heart!  Jennie took time to show a couple techniques to some of the girls during the meet up.  Jennie claims to be a beginner however she is quite skilled and if you missed her quick demo; please get with her and request a review. There were several give a way items and names were drawn and those lucky individuals went home with fab goodies!  Everyone had a good time that got to attend.  Food was prevalent and varied and everyone found something they liked.  Great job everyone!

Business:  January Jennie will be showing us all how to do Viking knit with wire.  She will provide what we need for this experience.  She did mention that if you have old credit cards, pliers, cutters, and 24 gauge wire this could be useful however she has pledged to see that we have what we need to learn this technique.  Two new members this month, Brian Woolweber and Michelle Efird.  Welcome and we are pleased you will be joining and participating.  February will be a meeting to make things for "The Forest".  Julie has taken this time and will demo what she has completed and how to go about making similar leaves I believe.  She says they need LOTS of leaves for this project. 

Attendees:  Robin, Julie, Pattie, Maggie, Cheryl-Ashville & Cheryl-Charlotte, Jennie, Christine, Lynn, Brian, Diane, Michelle, Laurie, Michelle, Brian and Nancy

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Just a quick reminder, there is no November meet up as it comes on Thanksgiving weekend.  We will be holding the Dec meeting on Dec 10th beginning at noon.  The plan is to come prepared to make ornaments, we should all bring treats/foods to share, as it is a holiday mood and we all love to participate in the party atmosphere.  See you there.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

October 2016 Meeting

Hi Y'all, This Saturday is the 4th Saturday on October. Yeah. The QCC meeting will have a bring what you want to work on theme if I'm not mistaken. Hope to see you all there. I'm feeling like making something kinda Halloweenish myself;)) Maggie

Sunday, October 9, 2016

September Meet-Up

Business:  Items that you are donating to go towards funds for Queen City Clayers should be brought to Cheryl or Jennie at the October meeting.  Jennie has a table for selling purposes in November and has offered to display and try to sell these items.  She also has room for any thing you might want to try to sell.  Get with Jennie on the specifics.  October month is a time to bring whatever you might want to work on during the meet up.
November there will be NO MEETING. 
December is a party atmosphere and a list of what food items you might be bringing is a good idea for the October meeting, so there aren't duplicates.  This meeting will be a free time for visiting and at times we try to make ornaments as well.  Anyone who has participated in the challenge should show your pieces at this meeting.  Come prepared.

Fairies II was demonstrated by Maggie Westall.  There were some lovely fairies on display and in the works.  Great fun and thanks to Maggie for sharing with us all her knowledge.  Have you ever seen a fairy you didn't like!!! 

Attendees:  Maggie, Julie, Katie, Laurie, Marsha, Jennie, Cheryl, Annie and Nancy.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

September meeting 2016 Featherhead fairies part 2

Hi Y'all, Our meeting is this Saturday. Can't believe it's already here. Hope you are ready for Part 2 of the Featherhead fairies. Bring show and tell and your naked fairies. Also if you have any of the following you want to bring: Fabri-tac glue, super glue, glitter, round nose pliers, scissors, ribbon or cloth strips to make dresses. I will have an assortment of feathers and dress making stuff and other stuff to share so don't stress. And if you have any old silk flowers laying around Nancy is going to show us her petal dressed fairies. Hope to see y'all there, Maggie

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

August Meet-up

Business:  We will meet on the 4th Saturday next month as usual rather than earlier as previously discussed/planned.  September meeting is scheduled for Fairy 2.  Maggie will provide her knowledge for us to finish, dress, groom our fairies.  October meeting will be a "free" to do whatever you are wanting to do with the group.  No demo is planned for this meeting.  No November meeting as it competes with Thanksgiving and plans.  December meeting will be a party atmosphere.  Bring foods, and drinks, (plates, eating utensils and cups are provided) bring your challenge pieces to show off if you have participated and come prepared to make ornaments.  Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't! 

Demo:  Maggie Westall gave a demo on how to begin to put together a fairy.  She provided examples, in process and finished fairies.  She gave instruction and direction and there was a lot of laughter and creativity happening.  It was a great turn out and there were great fairies in the process!  Legs, arms, bodies, heads, assorted pieces all over the place!  Fun!

Attendees:  Lynn, Kathy, Linda, Maggie, Virginia, Marsha, Nancy, Cheryl, Laurie and her Mom

Saturday, August 20, 2016

August meeting

Wow this month has flown by. QCC meeting next Saturday (the 27th). I'm excited to be presenting the demo part 1 of featherhead faries. Bring any of the following list you have but don't run out and buy them because I will have enough to share. Sculpy living doll clay, Fun wire brand wire, feather boa, wings, super glue, fabric/ribbon for clothes, fabritac glue, sewing needle and thread, needle tool, sculpting tools, knitting needles, exacto blade plus your regular clay kit. As you can see it is an unusual list. LMK if you are going to participate so I can bring enough for everyone. Hope to see y'all there. Maggie

Saturday, July 30, 2016

July Meet Up

Business:  Dues are due.  Many paid the year's dues to Jennie.  Dues are again $15 for the year.  Challenge was reviewed.  There is a challenge to use pics or colors related to some pics chosen earlier or to just challenge yourself to do something that you don't normally do with a piece.  It was decided to extend the deadline to the December meet up where everyone can show off what they made.  Since the Dec meeting is usually a party atmosphere, that works.  Dec meeting will be held the 2nd Sat of the month of Dec since Blue Ridge normally does not have a meeting in Dec.  Blue Ridge is invited to come join us.  Bring treats and possibly supplies in case we work on the ornaments that sometimes happen! 

Next month, August and also September will be a fairy session.  Maggie has graciously taken on the task to spend time with all and direct us to a tiny fairy.  We are expecting that it will take a two meeting session to get your fairy completed, dressed and winged.  Less time if your familiar with the face sculpting perhaps, and molds will be available for the face should you not want to even go there.  Some of us are gluttons for learning and getting it done free hand, so that takes a bit longer!  Supply list will come later.  Maggie is already working on getting these lessons together.  Thanks Maggie for your wanting to share with us all.

Lesson/Demo:  Transfers by Pattie. We were all supplied transfers to work with and we had an excellent demo on how to use these transfers and we all set off running.  Beautiful things happened!  Hopefully next meeting everyone will bring their pieces finished for us to ohhhh and awwwww over!
Thank you for Pattie for giving us an excellent lesson and supplying us all with several transfers so we could practice, practice, practice. 

Attendee:  Cheryl, Maggie, Lynne, Laurie, Nancy, Jennie, Christine, Pattie, Marsha and a newbee Virginia. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

July Meeting

Hi everyone,
Just a reminder our meeting is this Saturday. Pattie' has graciously aggreed to Demo Transfers. Thank you

Here is the Supply List:
- Regular Tool Kit
-Burnishing Tool or small door knob
-Parchment paper with LASER transfers (inkjet do not work)
 ( I will be bringing plenty, but if you have something specific you want to make, bring
   your own.)
-Pearl, white or translucent clay for color transfers
 Skinner blends or colored clay for B&W transfers
-A tile
-Curved forms for shaping your piece

Sunday, June 26, 2016

June 25th

Meeting opened and business discussed.  Our dues are now due for this coming year.  $15 for the year.  Get your dues to Jennie.  Checks aren't a good choice so cash is preferred if possible.  It makes it easier to add to the growing account. 

Jennie has a date in November that she is having things offered up for sale somewhere.  She can be contacted for more info.  This is a great time to participate as a group effort.  Next meeting Pattie will be demonstrating transfers.

Apologies to all from Nancy.  I was recovering from dental surgery and just wasn't with it.  I would not call what I presented as a "demo".  It was more of a this is done, sort of how you do it.  I could do better and will if needed.  I just wasn't really in there!  Sorry about that.  I thought I'd be over it.  Left early and hit the bed.  Thank you for being understanding.  Love all of you.

Good tidings came from the Ashville retreat participants and apparently it was a blast.  Looking forward to another creative and productive year and considering the challenges that have been offered up earlier this year.  You haven't forgotten them have you?  Anyone have things in progress already?  If you need a reminder, contact Cheryl as there were pics of colors and textures to think about and ideas.


Cheryl, Lynn, Jennie, Maggie, Linda, Brian and Nancy (sort of......)

Friday, June 3, 2016

June 25th meeting:
Early reminder since we skipped a month.  June is a time to learn polymer embroidery.  Bring your usual tools and supplies.  Nancy will be showing/demonstrating some different techniques with tiny pieces of clay.  You will need to bring the following.  Small pieces of different colors of clay that will make a pleasing palette for your piece.  A needle to manipulate your clay with.  A base color that pleases your eye.  I prefer to coordinate my colors in advance so you may wish to do the same.  We'll practice practice practice and then perhaps put a full piece together.  I will bring some finished pieces that I've made and I expect we'll have a fun time.  See you there.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

May Meeting cancellation

Hi everyone,
I've had some members express they would not be able to attend the meeting as it falls on the Saturday of the Memorial weekend. And as the BRPCG Retreat falls on the weekend before we will not be able to move the meeting up. So the May meeting will be cancelled. If anyone wants to get together to clay in a small group, please feel free to chat amongst each other.  Look forward to seeing everyone in June.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

April meeting

Here is the supply list for this Saturday's running shoe Demo

I will provide:
Eyelets for sneakers
Ring and carabiner

People should bring:
Scissors to cut out pattern
Translucent clay for bottom of shoe
3-5 Colors of clay for sneakers
Texture plates or rollers suitable for bottom and toe of sneaker (optional)
Extruder and round and thin rectangle discs(optional)


Saturday, March 19, 2016

March Meet-up
Date was changed to accommodate the holiday of Easter and hopefully made it more convenient for those able to attend.
Business was ushered by as everyone was so anxious to begin the process of creation!  The only business brought up was that Marsha is going to teach us all how to make the toddlers shoe that was so adorable. 
Maggie gave us a demo on the wrapping of a real egg that has been blown out and prepared for our uses.  She kindly offered us all an egg and a demo!  Some canes were brought and a slicer and everyone began the process.  I didn't stay until the very last minute but what I saw was really astounding.  Maggie had brought in three very cool eggs completed to view.  All were so cute!  My fav was the cracked egg holding a dino baby!  WANT!!!!  When I left each and everyone of us had begun an egg and each and every one was completely different from another.  The colors were bright and full and so springy!  Great meet up and lots of gabbing! Our group is so creative and full of ideas.

Attendees:  Cheryl, Julie, Nancy, Laurie, Maggie, Marsha

Thursday, March 17, 2016

March Meeting Saturday

Hi everyone,
Saturday's clay creation will be brought to by Maggie! Just a short demonstration  to show you how to cover the egg. Thank you Maggie for providing the eggs.  If you'd like to join in please bring clay to cover your egg and whichever type of clay technique or pre-made Clay canes you'd like to use to cover your egg. Some polyester batting to rest your egg on for baking.  Otherwise, please bring basic clay kit.
See y'all at noon🕛

Cheryl 🌹

Friday, March 4, 2016

March meeting

Hi Everyone,

We are changing the March meeting to the 19th. Since several people said they could could not make the fourth Saturday as it falls on Easter weekend. Please let me or Maggie know if you are able to attend on the 19th or do we just need to cancel the meeting altogether if no one is interested.


Saturday, February 27, 2016

Feb Meet Up

Not a lot of business things to discuss but the new challenge was discussed.  A few of our members did not show because of illness or family issues.  More plans for this year will be discussed when they return. 

Everyone gave Julie a welcome as she entered the building.  We all wanted her to know we love her latest work that has been displayed in it's final form. 

Cheryl gave a demo on two different types of rings.  Betina Walker has some photos of a ring that is stacked and Cheryl demonstrated how that ring could be put together using a ready made cane.  She also demonstrated how to make a spinner ring using the Lisa Pavelka spinner ring blank or just a plain ring blank.  Both rings were fairly simple structures and hopefully we will see the final results next meet up.

Pattie showed us her necklace she made from having her lesson/class with Melanie West.  It was outstanding.  She was asked if she would show how it was made and promptly said she would be happy to show us.  Future demo!!!

Cheryl, Julie, Linda, Nancy, Pattie, Christine, Marsha, Lyn, Laurie

Monday, February 22, 2016

Feb demo

Hi everyone,

Saturday's demo will be a retro extruder cane ring.
Supply list
Basic clay kit, 3 to 5 PC colors of your your choice, extruder and  disk of your choice.  Will need to measure or know your ring size or bring a resizeable  ring blank that is circular or square. Epoxy, super glue, circle cutter. That's all I can think of at this time.  Look forward to seeing everyone

Saturday, February 20, 2016

February Meeting

Hello everyone,
Welcome to our first meeting of the year. We have two Challenges to introduce and hope that one might inspire you. 

Queen City Clayers Cane Challenge 2016
Make a cane or two by picking one or more of the pictures provided on the Pinterest Link Below.
The rules:
  • The cane has to have at least 2 design elements from the picture(s) you choose
  • The cane cannot be an exact copy of the design (Color not included. If you choose to create the entire color palette of the picture that is fine too. It does count as one design element no matter how many colors you choose.)

There is a second part to this challenge. We are to eventually make a finished piece of Jewelry and or sculpture.
Please keep this in mind when choosing your pictures.

Queen City Clayers "Disk" Extruder Challenge 2016
This is a tool challenge, to inspire you to use an Extruder tool and experiment, play with it.  Sometimes this tool is under utilized.
Choice one of the Disk (1 through 9 ) from the Lucy Tools Extruder collection and make a project or one or two canes from using that one disk. Or use one of Cynthia Tinapple's Extruder disks. And at each one of the meeting you will bring your art work to show to the guild. 

Please bring your basic clay tool kit which should consist of clay blades, pasta machine or an acrylic rod, Clay of your choice: Fimo, Premo or Kato, wet ones for or something for cleaning hands and surfaces. A work surface (if you do not have one, we do have tiles you can use. And any other items or tools you may want or need. 

Does anyone have any particular demo you want to see?  If so let me know, I haven't decided on anything to present at this time. But when I do. I'll send info and any supply list. 
Please bring any projects or finished items you have been working over the Holiday and New Year for Show and Tell.  Can't wait to see what everyone has been working on.  I've been caning, so I'll be bring those in.  If anyone is needing any Candy / Deli paper please let Jenny McKitrick know, I think they are $8 a box. I'm completely out, so I need a new box myself.  

 Look forward to seeing everyone again and our new guests that will be joining us this meeting. 
See you soon,
 Cheryl Smith

Friday, January 22, 2016

Meeting canceled

I'm sorry to say I think we can call the January meeting of the QCC canceled. Maggie

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

January Meeting

Our January meeting is this Saturday. And with the possibility of snow in the forecast we are going to review weather conditions by 9:00 a.m. and then post to this blog if the meeting is canceled or not. 

If you already know you are unable to attend this meeting please let Maggie and me know.  This may also influence if the meeting is canceled or not. If we do not have a meeting all information that needs to be discussed at the meeting will be emailed to you individually so we can still get every one's answers and comments. Allowing us to move forward and plan the February meeting and demo.

We have lots to discuss with the start of a new year. So we will not have a Demo this Saturday. Please bring what you are currently working on or what you have completed over since the last meeting for show tell.

Meeting Agenda is to discuss guild goals for this year. There are two new Challenges for the guild. One is an on-going Start to Finish Project Challenge and the other is a Clay Extruder "Disc" challenge. Last year, several mentioned doing art fairs or craft shows. We heard you and are considering plans to do that this year and want to put together a list of participants, goals and discuss deadlines. Also what Demo's do you want to see this year and how that will combine with the Start to Finish Project Challenge.  

 Thank you
Queen City Clayers